National Association for
Family and Community Education
Strengthening individuals, families and communities through continuing education, developing leadership and community action. (National FCE Mission Statement)
Scoll down if you cannot see page.
Contact Info for National, Alumni and State Officers
National Officers
Executive Committee
National Officers
Judy Fullmer
4250 Country Road C
Dighton, Kansas 67839
Phone: 620-397-5938 Central Time
Email: jfullmer@st-tel.net

Vice President for Program
Peggy Martens
812 Arrowhead Rd
Inman, Kansas 67546
Phone:620-585-2302 Central Time
Email: plvbmar@embarqmail.com

Jeanne Purich
15500 Gallaudet Ave,
Silver Springs, MD 20905-4176
Phone: 301-641-4878
Email: jcpurich@cs.comMaryland

Martha Crawford 2023- 2025
1317 CR 288
Ballinger, TX 76821-7922
Phone: 325-365-3890
Email: mcrawfordfce@gmail.com Central Time

Vice President for Public Policy
Margaret Polen 2023-2026
6724 E 35th Place
Yuma, AZ 85365-8204
Phone: 928-726-7456
Email: margaretmai531@gmail.com AZ Time

Education Committee
Public Policy Coordinator #1
Pat Woods 2023-2026
1002 Red Bluff Way
Adams, TN 37010
Home Phone: 931-358-3517
Cell Phone:913-624-8910
Email: patwoods29@gmail.com Central Time

Public Policy Coordinator -
Sharon Giacometti
221 East 670th Ave
Farlington, Kansas 66734-4096
Home phone: 620-724-5303
Cell phone: 620-704-1554
Email: sgiacometti@ckt.net

Program Coordinator #1
Pam McIntrye-Albaro 2023-2026
253 Raintree Drive
Clarksville, TN 37042
Cell Phone: 931-378-9994
Email: pamela.m.albaro@gmail.com Central Time

Program Coordinator -
Mary Alice Weber
10440 Locust Fork Road
Primm Springs, TN 38476
Phone: 615-417-1670
Email: maryaliceweber49@gmail.com

2025 Conference Committee
NaFCE/ACWW Conference Chair
Bonnie Teeples
4338 Arthur Street
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603
Phone: 541-891-2662
Email: Bdteeples@charter.net Pacific Time

Zoom, AV, and Website Coordinator
Scott Teeples
4338 Arthur Street
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603
Cell Phone: 541-891-6456
Email: sfteeples@outlook.com
Pacific Time

National FCE Conference Chair
Denise Smith
433 Sylvan Ave. spc 39
Mountain View, CA 94041-1629
Phone: 808 430-2097 cell/text Pacific Time Zone
Phone: 650 969-3422 home Pacific Time Zone
Email: cdsmith2139@gmail.com
Conference Office Help + Sales and Silent Auction
Margaret Cambra
163 Kuono Place
Makawao, HI 96768-9024
Phone: 808-250-8733
Email: 808mcambra@gmail.com
Hawaii Time Zone

National FCE Alumni Officers
The members of the National FCE Board Alumni have served in elected or appointed positions on the National Board for Family and Community Education. Annual dues are $25.00 and membership runs from September 1 through August 31. Dues can be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer at any time. Scholarship donations are also appreciated. Since 2001 the Alumni have been funding first-timer scholarships
FCE State Officers
Alaska 1955 Website: ???? State Conference ???
Information Updated: 8-3-24 sft
Trademark License Agreement Signed:
President: Mabel Quilliam, HC 89 Box 8103, Talkeetna, AK 99676-9710- ph.907-232-4753.- mmquilliam@yahoo.com 12-31-25
President Elect:
Vice President: Susan Selk, 1342 E Bogard Rd, Wasilla, AK 99654- ph 907-373-7746 - selkfive@yahoo.com
Secretary: Tammy Jean Barnes; PO Box 872616; Wasilla, AK 99687-2616 ph. 907-841-8600; teejuhtoo@yahoo.com.
Treasurer: Jill Martinson; 3120 Donovan Drive; Wasilla, AK 99623-9779; ph. 907-354-1629; kdjmartinson@gmail.com
Note: Trademark License Agreement is good for 3 years
South West FCE 1963 Website: ww.swfce.org; State Conference: November 20-21, 2024.--November 19-20, 2025.
Information Updated: 01/02/25 jfj
Trademark License Agreement Signed:
President: Susie Martell, 8851 N Oracle Rd. Apt 197, Oro Valley, AZ. 85704- ph. 520-358-8621-martellsusan48@gmail.com
Vice President: Martha Crawford, 1317 CR 288, Ballinger, TX 76821 mcrawfordfce@gmail.com, 325-365-3890
Secretary: Margaret Polen, 6724 E 35th Place, Yuma, AZ 85365-8204 - ph 928-726-7456 - margaretmai531@gmail.com
Treasurer: Margaret Polen, 6724 E 35th Place, Yuma, AZ 85365-8204 - ph 928-726-7456 - margaretmai531@gmail.com
Colorado 1943- Contact National FCE Headquarters for info
Information Updated:
Trademark License Agreement Signed:
President: Willa Steichen, cell: 719-271-9150, email: willa_jean_54@q.com
President Elect:
VP for Program:
VP for Public Policy:
Hawaii 1949 State Conference: One day in person/Zoom on October 18, 2025 in Honolulu, HI
Website: : www.hawaiifce.org
Information Updated: 3-1-25 sft
Trademark License Agreement Signed:
President: Lynn Barut; 811 Piliwale Road; Kula, HI; 96790; Phone 808-281-4244 Email: lynnbarut@gmail.com (2025-2027)
Vice President: Terrie Sewake; 339 Kalili Street; Hilo, HI; 96720; Phone 808-989-9466 Email: tazrino888@gmail.com (2025-2027)
Secretary: Frances Dinnan; P.O. Box 173; Anahola, HI; 96703; Phone: 808-346-1915 Email: dinnanf002@gmail.com (2025-2027)
Treasurer: Patricia “Pat” Kubo; 1450 Akialoa Place; Kailua; HI; 96734; Phone: 808-425-6044 Email: kaleimamo@hawaii.rr.com (2025-2027)
Kansas 1936 State Conference: October 9-11-2025, Dodge City, Kansas
Information Updated 1-27-25 sft
Trademark License Agreement Signed: January 2025
Website: www.kafce.org
President: Faye Spencer, 520 Gail Dr, Salina, KS 67401-7827 - ph. 785-201-2143- spencerf.kafce@gmail.com
President Elect:
VP for Program: DeLores Walden, 5720 SE Paulen Rd, Berrytown, KS 66409-9400 - ph. 785-379-0666- wintersdj1@cox.net
VP for Public Policy:
Secretary: Tina Bailey, 15112 142nd Rd, Mayetta 66509-8795, (785) 966-2457, tina_fce@yahoo.com
Treasurer: Marcy Price, 11427 103 Road, Ensign, Kansas 67841-9304, phone 620-255-2001, email thesewinglady@yahoo.com
Maryland 1938 www.mdafce.org State Conference:???
Information Updated: 8-3-24 sft
Trademark License Agreement Signed:
President: Libby Wade, 6711 Sage Ct, Adamstown, MD 21710 - ph. 301-831-8661 - dunade@aol.com
President Elect:
VP for Program: Kathie Mack, 7208 Maple Ave, Takoma Park, MD 20912;
Phone: 301-270-5367; cell – 301-844-8248; email: kpmack2@gmail.com
VP for Public Policy:Debra Rausch, 9111 Contee Road #101, Laurel, MD 20708- ph. - rauschda@gmail.com
Secretary: Debra Rausch, 9111 Contee Road #101, Laurel, MD 20708- ph. - rauschda@gmail.com
Treasurer: Chris Hager, 842 Azalea Dr, Rockville, MD 20850; Phone: 301-274-2037; email: econchris@earthlink.net
Mississippi 1936 Website: ????? State Conference:???
Information updated: 1-12-23 sft
Trademark License Agreement Signed:
President: Judy Ann Fortenberry, 87 Sugar Maple Ln, Madison, MS 39110- ph. 601-856-2326-
President Elect:
VP for Program: Doris Alexander, 2130 Geiger Rd, Lucedale, MS 39452- ph. 601-947-8243
VP for Public Policy:
Secretary: Eric/Janet Alexander, 4101 Skyline Dr S, Mobile, AL 36609-5934- ph. 251-802-0624- jtalexander25@comcast.net
Treasurer: Linda Hanberry, PO Box 1667, Picayune, MS 39466- ph. 601-798-0832- reli62@bellsouth.net
Missouri 1949 Website: ????? State Conference: ???
Information Updated: 8-3-24 sft
Trademark License Agreement Signed:
President: Mary Klaproth, 153 Grandview Drive, Jackson MO 63755- ph. 573-243-5426- mklaproth@sbcglobal.net
President Elect:
Vice President:
Secretary: Georgia Reid, 22620 Highway CC, Houstonia, MO 65333-2077- ph. 660-568-3577- gareid@iland.net
Treasurer: Barbara Hunter
Nebraska 1946 Website: ????? State Conference: September 19 through 21 at Springview, Nebrasksa
Information Updated:8-8-24 sft
Trademark License Agreement Signed:
President: Cathy McKown, 2715 O'Flannagan St, Grand Island, NE 68803-1330- ph. 308-380-1467- catgail51@hotmail.com
President Elect:
Vice President: Tammie Sanford, 2518 Rose Court, North Platte, Nebraska, 69101-0337, ph. 308-520-2145, tjwood56@yahoo.com
VP for Public Policy:
Secretary: Jackie Thomson-Bremer, 737 North 6 Road, Palmyra, Nebraska, 68418-4040, ph. 402-432-1410. jb94542@windstream.net
Treasurer: Sue Saathoff, 24505 Panama Road, Adams, Nebraska, 68301-9547. ph. 402-269-5748, saathoff60@gmail.com
North Dakota 1948 www.ndfce.org; State Conference:???
Information Updated: 8-3-24 sft
Trademark License Agreement Signed:
President: Susan Ingebretson, 1205 3rd St N, Carrington, ND 58421; ph. 701-649-0080; email:skstoddard87@gmail.com (2025)
President Elect:
Vice President: Arlene Retzlaff, 1439 1st Ave E, Dickinson, ND 58601-3308- ph. 701-590-1016- enertz@yahoo.com
VP for Public Policy:
Secretary: Joanne Kaeding, 2813 N 10th St, Fargo, ND 58102, - ph. 701-280-2200- jkkaeding@gmail.com
Treasurer: Ann VandeHoven; 7530 Hwy 200, Carrington, ND 58421; Phone: 701-307-0638; email: annvan@daktel.com
Oregon 1939 Website: www.oregon-fce.org - State Conference: October 6-8, 2025- Springfield, Oregon
Information updated: 8-4-24 sft Link to Oregon FCE website
Trademark License Agreement Signed: October 13, 2021
President: Scott Teeples; 4338 Arthur St, Klamath Falls, OR 97603; Ph. 541-891-6456; sfteeples@charter.net (2023)
President Elect:
VP for Program: Sally Wyffles: 3765 NE Hawn Cr. Road, McMinnville, Oregon 97128l; cell: 971-237-5558; sjwyffels67@yahoo.com (2025)
VP for Public Policy: Sandie Bolyard: 34043 Highway 97N, Chiloquin, OR 97624; Ph. 541-892-2336; fluffy66@centurylink.net (2024)
Secretary: Marian Banes, 2934 Summers Lane, Unit 5, Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603-6754, Phone 541-691-3341, Email gmominator3@gmail.com
Treasurer: Bonnie Teeples; 4338 Arthur St., Klamath Falls, OR, 97603; Ph.541-891-2662; bdteeples@charter.net (2024)
Tennessee 1982 November 17-20-24 Link to Tennessee FCE website
Information Updated: 1-27-25
Trademark License Agreement Signed:
President: Esther Button, 150 Outlaw Ln., Stewart, TN 37175 - ph. 931-721-4765 - buttonjarfce@gmail.com
​President Elect: Emily Gordon, 780 Yell Road, Lewisburg, Tennessee 37091, phone: 931-359-7074, email emilvgtafce@gmail.com
VP for Program: Kaycee Smith, 1330 Leo Baker Road, Ashland City, Tennessee 37015, phone 615-504-9956, email kdcsmith@att.net
VP for Public Policy: Anne Wagnoner, 22 Stewart Hollow Ln., Elwood, TN 38560 - ph. 615-957-9011(h) 615-473-8332 (c) - stewartfamily farm@icloud.com
Secretary: Sarah Sharp, 166 Speedwell Lane, Elmwood, Tennessee 37087, phone 615-289-2963, email sarahsharpfce@gmail.com
Treasurer: Maria Howard, 3711 Bethel Purdy Rd., Bethel Springs, TN 38115 - ph. 731-610-6445 - Mariahoward3@yahoo.com
Virginia 1936 Website: ????? State Conference: ???
Information Updated:11-10-23 jj
Trademark License Agreement Signed:
2023 conference: September 25, 1 Day Conference at Holiday Inn Conference Center in Staunton, VA
President: Judy Grove, 61 Seawright Springs Rd, Mt. Sidney, VA 24467-2229- ph. 540-248-0142-judy@ohdoughnut.com
President Elect:
VP for Program: Cristin Sprenger, 113 Wyndham Hill Dr, Fishersville, VA 22939- ph. 540-255-1563- cristinspringer@gmail.com
Secretary: Carol Shaffer, 841 Barbershop Road, Edinburg VA 22824- ph 540-984-8507-kncshaffer@gmail.com
Treasurer: Mary Gough, 14220 Owls Nest Rd, Nokesville, VA 20181 - ph. 703-754-8390- mgough4@verizon.net
West Virginia 1936 Website: ????? State Conference ???
Information Updated:
Trademark License Agreement Signed:
President: Brittany La Mar, 34 Deer Run Road, Walker, WV 26184-ph. 304-210-5618-bnlamar22@gmail.com
President Elect:
VP :
VP for Public Policy:
Secretary: Kristin Walker, 3 Terra Rosa, Washington, WV 26181 - ph. 304-863-8253- kristinfce@yahoo.com
Treasurer: Sheila Jackson