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All orders must be completed and paid for  by contacting Judy Jones at National FCE Headquarters.

Phone: 859-525-6401


Credit  Card Purchases -Minimum $10.00 Order plus shipping cost

You may call in your order or use the Order Form below to send in your order.  Please include Item#, Item Description, Item Cost.  Contact Judy Jones at Headquarters to complete and pay for order.  

Index Buttons

Thank you. Order has been sent. Please contact Judy to complete and pay for order.


Education (FCLs)

1.ED/1001   All Stressed Up...And A Million Places To Go  $5.00

2.ED/1002   Are Bullies For Real  $5.00

3.ED/1003   I Just Caught Up With Yesterday!  $5.00

4.ED/1004   Mentoring: The Purpose, Challenge  $5.00

5.ED/1005   A Little Fluff In Your Ear  $5.00

6.ED/1006   Cocoons of Culture  $5.00

7.ED/1007   Degree of Life  $5.00

8.ED/1008   Difficult People: Handle With Care  $5.00

9.ED/1009   "Don't Do It! Delegate"  $5.00

10.ED/1010   Energized Communications  $5.00

11.ED/1011   "Energizing A New Wave of Volunteers"  $5.00

12.ED/1012   From calm  $5.00

13.ED/1013   Leadership 101: The Budding Leader  $5.00

14.ED/1014   Let's Talk  $5.00

15.ED/1015   Letting Go With All Your Might  $5.00

16.ED/1016   "Now You're the Teacher!"  $5.00

17.ED/1017   Some Assembly Required  $5.00

18.ED/1018   "So You're a Volunteer"  $5.00

19.ED/1019   Ten Ways To K.I.S.S. In Public  $5.00

20.ED/1020   The Care And Feeding Of Group Members  $5.00

21.ED/1021   True Leadership  $5.00

22.ED/1022   Board Service: Leadership In Action  $5.00

23.ED/1023I   Have A Little Shadow  $5.00

24.ED/1024   Putting CHARACTER COUNTS! to Work In Your Life  $5.00

25.ED/1025   Stepping Up To The Plate  $5.00

26.ED/1026    Whooo, Me?  $5.00

27.ED/1027   A You Can Do It!  $5.00

28.ED/1099   The Deadly Triangle, Media Violence: Its Effects on Woman  $5.00

29.ED/1100   Returning to the Workforce And/Or How Volunteering Can Work for You  $5.00

30.ED/1102   Mommy, Where Do Volunteers Come From?  $5.00

31.ED/1103   Effective Teaching  $5.00

32.ED/1121   The Meeting Will Come To Order  $5.00

33.ED/1122   Making Your World A Better Place  $5.00

34.ED/1123   Finding The Best Answer Resolving Community Issues  $5.00

35.ED/1124   The Big Picture How Adults Learn Teaching Techniques  $5.00

36.ED/1125   MENTORING Helping You Believe In Yourself A lesson in Volunteering and Mentoring  $5.00

37.ED/1126   The Power of Teaching How to Use Powerful Teaching Methods  $5.00

38.ED/1127   Stumbling Blocks to Stepping Stones Conflict Management  $5.00

39.ED/1128   Leading With Knowledge and Influence  $5.00

40.ED/1129   POINT MADE! Focus on how to make your self better understood.  $5.00

41.ED/1132   Ready or not Ready Understanding Robert's Rules So You Know What To DO  $5.00

42.ED/1133   What is Public Policy? How is it Different From Private Policy?   $5.00

43.ED/1134   Being Prepared for "CHANGE" Learn to look at different levels of change and transition within our life.  $5.00

44.ED/1135   From Start to Finish Group Process The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How groups are formed.  $5.00

45.ED/1136   The Orville & Wilbur Technique Select the "Wright" Way To Teach  $5.00

46.ED/1137   Never Underestimate the Power of "ONE" Motivate others to use good judgment in becoming       informed and exercising their voice in government policy decisions.  $5.00

47.ED/1138   How to Lead a Group to Good Decisions  $5.00

48.ED/1200   Come Ride with us for an Adventure in Public Policy  $5.00

49.ED/1201   Generations at Odds!!  $5.00

50.ED/1202   Love Is Decisions, Decisions, Decisions  $5.00


52.ED/1204   LEADERSHIP Developing Your Leadership  $5.00

53.ED/1205   HOW BIG IS YOUR HEART? Volunteering  $5.00


55.ED/1207   The Power of Teaching: Creating & Giving Effective Presentations  $5.00


57.ED/1209   Why Parli Pro? "Ready or Not Ready"  $5.00

58.ED/1210   SO YOU WANT TO BE INVOLVED!  $5.00

59.ED/1211   Do You Fear Public Speaking?  $5.00

60.ED/1212   Building Teamwork  $5.00

61.ED/1213   Popping Pills:RX Drug Abuse  $5.00

62.ED/1214   V is for Very Valuable Volunteers  $5.00

63.ED/1215   Stars and Stripes Forever  $5.00

64.ED/1216   PowerPoint Basics. Developing A Great Visual Presentation  $5.00

65.ED/1217   Motivating Members Great Groups Terrific Teams Group Process  $5.00

66.ED/1218   Character Building Starts at Home  $5.00


67.ED/1220   What are Your Medications Telling You  $5.00

68.ED/1221   Stop This Epidemic Now: Opioids  $5.00

69.ED/1222   GROW AS A VOLUNTEER  $5.00
68.ED/1223   Wills, Trusts, and Funeral Plans $5.00

69.ED/1224   Are You Driving, Miss Daisy? $5.00

70.ED/1225   Communicating in the 21st Century $5.00

Following Lessons are Free Contact your state president for a copy
71. Time Management Where Does 24 Hours Go?

72. Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?

73. Mental Health-Depression, Suicide and Social Well Being

74.  Family Community Environment

75.  Positive Leadership Traits by Birth Order

76.  Know When to Say "No"

77.  Rabies: Facts and Fears

78. Food Waste, A World in Crisis

79. Appreciating Generational Differences

80. Music Magic - Music Therapy For the Aging Brain

CHARACTER COUNTS!  Mix and Match to make a package of 10 -$2.50

1.ED/1054 Series 1: Trustworthiness  $0.25

2.ED/1055Series 2: Respect $0.25
3.ED/1056Series 3: Responsibility $0.25

4.ED/1076Series 4: Fairness $0.25

5.ED/1077Series 5: Caring $0.25

6.ED/1078Series 6: Citizenship $0.25


Miscellaneous Books

1.ED/1084   Installations Booklet  $5.00

2.ED/1101   Old Tyme Games and Activities  $6.00

3.ED/1170101   WAYS TO CELEBRATE THE FAMILY Poster  $1.50

4.ED/1081   FCE TV Ratings Bookmark 50 for $1.25 next 200 $2.00  
*This Quantity must be bought first before larger quantities can be purchased.*50 200 $1.25 $4.00


Hearth Fire Series  Mix & Match to make a package of 10 - $3.00

Please Note: Hearth Fire Series #1,#2, #6, #10, #14, #19, #20, #35 and #42 are no longer available

1.ED/1030   Hearth Fire Series 3: Someone's In The Parlor...Minding Their Manners $0.30
2.ED/1031   Hearth Fire Series 4: Someone's In The Supermarket...Buying Safe Food $0.30

Also Available in Spanish 
3.ED/1032   Hearth Fire Series 5: Someone's In The Family Room..."Mommy, What Can I Watch?" $0.30

4.ED/1033   Hearth Fire Series 6: Someone's In A Meeting...Serving As A Delegate $0.30

5.ED/1034   Hearth Fire Series 7: Woman to Woman...Searching for CHOCOLATE $0.30

Also Available in Spanish 
6.ED/1035   Hearth Fire Series 8: Woman to Woman...Learning About Mammograms and Pap Tests $0.30

7.ED/1035A   Hearth Fire Series 8A:  Person to Person...Does Your Engine Purr? $0.30

8.ED/1036   Hearth Fire Series 9: Someone’s in the Living Room...With an Eye for Redecorating $0.30

9.ED/1037   Hearth Fire Series 10: Someone’s in a Meeting...Making Good Decisions $0.30

10.ED/1038   Hearth Fire Series 11: Someone’s in the USA...Showing Respect for the Flag  $0.30

11.ED/1039   Hearth Fire Series 12: Someone’s. in Public...A quick “how-to” on Eye Catching Displays $0.30 

12.ED/1040   Hearth Fire Series 13: Women to Women…Bone Breaking Facts  $0.30

13.ED/1040A   Hearth Fire Series 13A: Person to Person...Here's to your Health $0.30

14.ED/1042   Hearth Fire Series 15: Someone's Saying... "Move the 'Write' Way" $0.30

15.ED/1043   Hearth Fire Series 16: Woman to Woman... "Body talk" Facts about ovarian cancer $0.30

16.ED/1044   Hearth Fire Series 17: Someone's Saying...Electronic Manners Count, Too! $0.30

17.ED/1045   Hearth Fire Series 18: Woman to Woman...Do I Have Diabetes? $0.30

18.ED/1048   Hearth Fire Series 21: Someone's in a Meeting...Practicing Proper Protocol $0.30

19.ED/1049   Hearth Fire Series 22: Woman to Woman...Forgetfulness or Alzheimers? $0.30

20.ED/1050   Hearth Fire Series 23: Person to Person...More than Skin Deep? $0.30

21.ED/1051   Hearth Fire Series 24: Person to Person...Minding Your Social P's and Q's $0.30

22.ED/1052   Hearth Fire Series 25: Someone's Asking...What Household Records Do I Keep? $0.30

23.ED/1053   Hearth Fire Series 26: Woman to Woman...Celebrating You! Your Health $0.30

24.ED/1086   Hearth Fire Series 27: Someone's In The USA Saying...Show Me the Power of Healing Foods $0.30

25.ED/1087   Hearth Fire Series 28: Someone's In The USA Asking...Can I Be a Lobbyist? $0.30

26.ED/1088   Hearth Fire Series 29: Woman to Woman...Why Should Love Hurt? $0.30

27.ED/1089   Hearth Fire Series 30: Woman to Woman...Resisting the Deadly Triangle of Violence $0.30

28.ED/1096   Hearth Fire Series 31: Person to Person...Serving on a Board $0.30

29.ED/1097   Hearth Fire Series 32: Person to Person...Can We Talk? $0.30

30.ED/1098   Hearth Fire Series 33: Person to Person...Resolving Conflict $0.30

31.ED/1104   Hearth Fire Series 34:Organization to Organization...Recruiting and Keeping Members $0.30

32.ED/1106  Hearth Fire Series 36: Person to Person....Guidelines for Developing a Dynamic Group $0.30

33.ED/1107  Hearth Fire Series 37: Someone's in the USA...Court(ing)the Judicial System $0.30

34.ED/1108 Hearth Fire Series 38: Video Games! Coming To A Screen Near You $0.30

35.ED/1109  Hearth Fire Series 39: Someone's the Cyberhighway friend or foe? $0.30

36.ED/1110  Hearth Fire Series 40: Books, the Other Channel $0.30

37.ED/1111   Hearth Fire Series 41: Someone's in the kitchen...Making Concoctions $0.30

38.ED/1112   Hearth Fire Series 42: Kids Gone Wild??? It's Our Own Fault" $0.30

39.ED/1113   Hearth Fire Series One each of Hearth Fire Series   $15.00

40.ED/1114   Hearth Fire Series #43:Someone's in the World....Being Green $0.30
41.ED/1115   Hearth Fire Series #44: A child is Asking....Take me to the Movies $0.30

42.ED/1116   Hearth Fire Series #45: Someone's Looking in the Mirror...and Sees the Face of Arthritis $0.30

43.ED/1117   Hearth Fire Series #46: Someone's Asking...What is Sexting and Cyberbullying? $0.30

44.ED/1118   Hearth Fire Series #47: Woman to Woman...Look Fit and Fabulous at ANY AGE $0.30

45.ED/1119   Hearth Fire Series #48: Someone's Singing...Money Money Mon ney $0.30

46.ED/1120   Hearth Fire Series #49: Someone's Asking...Paper, Plastic, or Neither? $0.30

47.ED/1139   Hearth Fire Series #50: WOMAN TO WOMAN...How Do We Talk about Autism? $0.30 

48.ED/1140  Hearth Fire Series #51: Loving the Men in Your Life... Understanding How to Keep Them Healthy $0.30

49.ED/1141   Hearth Fire Series #52: TAKE IT TO THE STREET...THE MEDIA STREET $0.30

50.ED/1143  Hearth Fire Series #53: Someone's Asking...What is Chronic Pain?$0.30

51.ED/1144   Hearth Fire Series #54: Is There A Vaccine to Cure Rudeness? $0.30

52.ED/1145   Hearth Fire Series #55: Dress For Success - Teen Edition $0.30

53.ED/1146   Hearth Fire Series #56 Someone is saying...Strut your Stuff Developing Great Brochures $0.30

54.ED/1147   Hearth Fire Series #57 Someone's Asking...How Can We Stretch Our Food Budget? $0.30


56.ED/1149   Hearth Fire Series #59 ADVANCE DIRECTIVES-DO I WANT/NEED THEM $0.30

57.ED/1150   Hearth Fire Series #60 Someone's asking...What is Maternal Health? $0.30

58.ED/1151   Hearth Fire Series #61 Hope on the Horizon...Finding, Recruiting and Retaining new FCE members $0.30

59.ED/1152   Hearth Fire Series #62 Someone's asking...about Human Trafficking $0.30

60.ED/1153   Hearth Fire Series #63 Grandparents Raising Grandchildren $0.30

61.ED/1154   Hearth Fire Series #64 Someone's asking...How do I manage my Obesity? $0.30

62.ED/1155   Hearth Fire Series #65 Someone's Asking... How is technology affecting my Family? $0.30

63.ED/1156   Hearth Fire Series #66 Someone's asking...Are You a Sugar Addict?$0.30 

64.ED/1157   Hearth Fire Series #67 Aging in Place...Aging Well $0.30

65.ED/1158   Hearth Fire Series #68 Someone's in the Home...Eating Healthy Food $0.30
66.ED/1159   Hearth Fire Series #69 Asking for a Friend...How Does Aging Affect My Senses? $0.30

67.ED/1160   Hearth Fire Series #70 Someone's in the Kitchen...Using Their New Gadget $0.30

68.ED/1161   Hearth Fire Series #71 Somebody's asking...What is ACWW and how does FCE fit in? $0.30

Note: Hearth Fire Series 72 and above can be printed off of the  "Members Page" or obtained from your State President

Following Lessons are Free Contact your state president for a copy

69. Hearth Fire Series #72 Oh It Ain't Your Grandma's Pressure Cooker 

70. Hearth Fire Series #73 Developing an Immune System for the Soul 

71.  Hearth Fire Series #74 Someone's in the garden-checking on benefits and types 

72. Hearth Fire Series #75 Passing Family History to the Next Generation

73. Hearth Fire Series #76 Someone is Saying HAH! Health and Humor

74. Hearth Fire Series #77 The Silent Killer - Ovarian Cancer

75. Hearth Fire Series #78 Family Meals for A Happier Healthier Family



Stuffed Animals

1.ED/1068 FCE Friend: Micka the "Citizenship" Monkey  $5.00

2.ED/1069 FCE Friend: Buzzee the "Trustworthy" Bee  $5.00

3.ED/1092 FCE Friend: Icky the "Respectful" Parrot  $5.00

4.ED/1093 FCE Friend: Squeak the "Fairness" Mouse  $5.00 


FCE Friends Storybooks  Mix and Match to make a package of 5 - $4.00

1.ED/1062 The Adventures of FCE Friends "Webster's Homework" (Responsibility) 
Mix & Match to make a package of 5. $0.80

2.ED/1063 The Adventures of FCE Friends "A Valuable Lesson From Micka" (Citizenship) 
Mix & Match to make a package of 5. $0.80

3.ED/1065 The Adventures of FCE Friends "Buzzee's Big Day" (Trustworthiness) 
Mix & Match to make a package of 5. $0.80

4.ED/1090 The Adventures of FCE Friends "The Club That Icky Built" (Respect) 
Mix & Match to make a package of 5. $0.80

5.ED/1091 The Adventures of FCE Friends "Squeak Says Fairness Rules" (Fairness) 
Mix & Match to make a package of 5. $0.80

6.ED/1130 The Adventures of FCE Friends "Buzzee and the Internet Caper
Mix & Match to make a package of 5. $0.80

7.ED/1131 The Adventures of FCE Friends "Tubee's Sleep Over" 
Mix & Match to make a package of 5. $0.80

8.Ed/1142 The Adventures of The FCE Friends "Icky Learns to be Trustworthy
Mix & Match to make a package of 5. $0.80


Lapel Pins

1.ED/1057 FCE Friends: "Tubee" Pin  $1.00

2.ED/1058 FCE Friends: "Buzzee" (Bee)  $3.00

3.ED/1059 FCE Friends: "Clarence" (Dragon)  $3.00

4.ED/1060 FCE Friends: "Webster" (Turtle)  $3.00

5.ED/1070 FCE Friends "Micka" (Monkey)  $3.00

6.ED/1075 Set of Storybook, FCE Friend Stuffed Animal, and lapel pin of any one of the FCE Friends  $12.00

7.ED/1094 FCE Friends: "Icky" (Parrot)  $3.00

8.ED/1095 FCE Friends: "Squeak" (Mouse)  $3.00​


Emblematic Items   

Officer Pins $5.00 Each

1.EM/3001   President
2.EM/3002  Vice President

3.EM/3003  Past President

4.EM/3004  Secretary

5.EM/3005  Treasurer

6.EM/3006  Chaplain

7.EM/3007  Honorary

8.EM/3009  President-Elect  


Year Pins $5.00 Each~5,10, and 15 year pins are no longer available

1.EM/3013   20 Year

2.EM/3014   25 Year 

3.EM/3015   30 Year 

4.EM/3016   35 Year

5.EM/3017   40 Year

6.EM/3018   45 Year

7.EM/3019  50 Year

8.EM/3020  55 Year

9.EM/3021   60 Year

10.EM/3022  65 Year

11.EM/3023  70 Year

12.EM/3048  75 Year


Miscellaneous Pins

1.EM/3025   Gavel Pin  $2.00

2.EM/3026   FCL Logo Pin  $2.00

3.EM/3027   Heart of FCE Pin To be ordered by State President  $3.75

4.EM/3028   FCE Charm   $3.50

5.EM/3029   Member Pin  $5.00

6.EM/3030   FCE Oval Pin - Gold  $5.00

7.EM/3031    FCE Oval Pin-Silver  $5.00

8.EM/3032   FCE Eyeglass Pin  $5.00

9.EM/3033   Member Pin w/Gavel  $7.00

10.EM/3039   Hanger Pin w/Ribbon  $8.00

11.EM/3041   Plaque Emblem  $5.00

12.EM/3044 Spirit of FCL Glass Paperweight For State Winners   $20.00

13.EM/3047   American and FCE Flag w/base  $5.00

14.EM/3040   Recognition Ribbon w/Gold Seal 1 - 99  $0.75 Each 100 +$0.65

15. EM/3043   FCE Rhinestone Pin $10.00




Misc Books
Hearth Fire Series
Stuffed Animals
FCE Friends Story Books
Lapel Pins
Embelmatic Items
Year Pins
Misc Pins
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