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Proclamation for FCE


Whereas, the family is the core of society; and

Whereas, the well-being of the family is dependent upon the development of the value system, and

Whereas, __________ association for family and community education with the national association for family and community education join voices in promoting NAFCE week with the campaign “Make a Date With Your Family.”

Whereas, the dates that individuals have with their families will foster communication, love and understanding within each family and strengthen their communities;

Now, therefore, I _______________________________ of the _________________ (city or state) do hereby proclaim October _____ through _____, ______ (2nd full week in October) as:

“National Family Community Education Week”

In______________ and urge all citizens to join family and community education members and “Make a Date With Your Family.”

Attest done at the executive office on this ________ day of ___________, _________.

Secretary of state



Witness my hand and the great seal of the

State or City of ___________________________________Name and Title

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