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Why We FCE?

Why we FCE!

Our neighbors to the north and sister groups in ACWW ~ the WI ~ Women's Institutes have been running a program called Why I WI. It is just a fun thing to do with each group. I’ve been following it on their Facebook site.

Our conference chair Bonnie Teeples (AND US Area ACWW President) came up with WHY WE FCE

I would like to ask each group of FCE to have your members write on a white board or white piece of paper why they belong or joined FCE. Take a picture of each individual member or the group and post it here on our National FCE page or the National FCE group.


National FCE would like to share the pictures at conference in August. It will be a fun to see why each member joined FCE and why they stay a member. We may also use the pictures to promote FCE Week in October. WHY WE FCE ~ share your group's WHY

Judy Fullmer – National FCE President

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Judy Fullmer and Kansas Club

This is National FCE President Judy Fullmer with her FCE group.


We challenge each group, club, unit to ask your members “Why WE FCE”, write answers on sheet of paper, take a picture of individuals or as a group and post it to the National FCE facebook group or email it to Bonnie Teeples and we will post it. We hope to get as many pictures of groups or individuals as we can.

Please play along with us!!

Contemporaries SG
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This is the Contemporaries FCE Study Group from Klamath Falls, Oregon.  They meet as a "Hybrid" Group, both in person and Zoom so they had to use individual picture shots.


We challenge each group, club, unit to ask your members “Why WE FCE”, write answers on sheet of paper, take a picture of individuals or as a group and post it to the National FCE facebook group or email it to Bonnie Teeples and we will post it. We hope to get as many pictures of groups or individuals as we can.

Please play along with us!!

Marshall County
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This is Marshall County, Tennessee.  During their "Friends Sharing Day" they took these pictures to Share with you. 


We challenge each group, club, unit to ask your members “Why WE FCE”, write answers on sheet of paper, take a picture of individuals or as a group and post it to the National FCE facebook group or email it to Bonnie Teeples and we will post it. We hope to get as many pictures of groups or individuals as we can.

Please play along with us!!

Wilson County
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Wilson County Tennesse FCE members at this week’s county council share “Why We FCE?”  These members are the county and local club leaders! We also had members via zoom! 


We challenge each group, club, unit to ask your members “Why WE FCE”, write answers on sheet of paper, take a picture of individuals or as a group and post it to the National FCE facebook group or email it to Bonnie Teeples and we will post it. We hope to get as many pictures of groups or individuals as we can.

Please play along with us!!

Lost Creek SG
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This is the Lost Creek Study Group of Lane County, Oregon.  During their latest meeting they took these pictures to Share with you. 


We challenge each group, club, unit to ask your members “Why WE FCE”, write answers on sheet of paper, take a picture of individuals or as a group and post it to the National FCE facebook group or email it to Bonnie Teeples and we will post it. We hope to get as many pictures of groups or individuals as we can.

Please play along with us!!

Talent/Phoenix SG
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This is the Talent/Phoenix Study Group of Jackson County, Oregon.  During their latest meeting they took these pictures to Share with you. 


We challenge each group, club, unit to ask your members “Why WE FCE”, write answers on sheet of paper, take a picture of individuals or as a group and post it to the National FCE facebook group or email it to Bonnie Teeples and we will post it. We hope to get as many pictures of groups or individuals as we can.

Please play along with us!!

Tualatin SG
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This is the Tualatin Study Group of  CountyWashington, Oregon.  During their latest meeting they took these pictures to Share with you. 


We challenge each group, club, unit to ask your members “Why WE FCE”, write answers on sheet of paper, take a picture of individuals or as a group and post it to the National FCE facebook group or email it to Bonnie Teeples and we will post it. We hope to get as many pictures of groups or individuals as we can.

Please play along with us!!

North Dakota
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This is an FCE Group from Havey, North Dakota.  During their latest meeting they took these pictures to Share with you. 


We challenge each group, club, unit to ask your members “Why WE FCE”, write answers on sheet of paper, take a picture of individuals or as a group and post it to the National FCE facebook group or email it to Bonnie Teeples and we will post it. We hope to get as many pictures of groups or individuals as we can.

Please play along with us!!

Yamhill County - Amity SG
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This is the Amity Study Group of Yamhill County, Oregon.  During their latest meeting they took these pictures to Share with you. 


We challenge each group, club, unit to ask your members “Why WE FCE”, write answers on sheet of paper, take a picture of individuals or as a group and post it to the National FCE facebook group or email it to Bonnie Teeples and we will post it. We hope to get as many pictures of groups or individuals as we can.

Please play along with us!!

Klamath/Jackson County

This is the Klamath/Jackson County (Oregon) FCE .group getting together at Lake of the Woods, Oregon.  Great lunch and lots of fellowshipping.  During their latest meeting they took these pictures to Share with you. 


We challenge each group, club, unit to ask your members “Why WE FCE”, write answers on sheet of paper, take a picture of individuals or as a group and post it to the National FCE facebook group or email it to Bonnie Teeples and we will post it. We hope to get as many pictures of groups or individuals as we can.

Please play along with us!!

Maryland FCE
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This is the Maryland FCE group getting together.  During their latest meeting they took these pictures to Share with you. 


We challenge each group, club, unit to ask your members “Why WE FCE”, write answers on sheet of paper, take a picture of individuals or as a group and post it to the National FCE facebook group or email it to Bonnie Teeples and we will post it. We hope to get as many pictures of groups or individuals as we can.

Please play along with us!!

Kansas FCE State Conference
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This is Kansas FCE at their 2023 State Conference. They took these pictures to Share with you. 


We challenge each group, club, unit to ask your members “Why WE FCE”, write answers on sheet of paper, take a picture of individuals or as a group and post it to the National FCE facebook group or email it to Bonnie Teeples and we will post it. We hope to get as many pictures of groups or individuals as we can.

Please play along with us!!

2023 Oregon State Conference
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This is Oregon FCE at their 2023 State Conference. They took these pictures to Share with you. They gave the following reasons "Why We FCE." Fellowshipping, Long Life Learning, Solutions of Living, Togetherness, Friendship, Learning, People, New Friends, Service to Others, Friendship, Love of My FCE Family, Learning Together, Crafting, Good Food, Just Being Together, Sharing, and New Experiences. 


We challenge each group, club, unit to ask your members “Why WE FCE”, write answers on sheet of paper, take a picture of individuals or as a group and post it to the National FCE facebook group or email it to Bonnie Teeples and we will post it. We hope to get as many pictures of groups or individuals as we can.

Please play along with us!!

Puna Wahine Club - Hawaii

This is Puna Wahine Club, Hawaii FCE - Why We FCE Picture. They want to share it with you. 


We challenge each group, club, unit to ask your members “Why WE FCE”, write answers on sheet of paper, take a picture of individuals or as a group and post it to the National FCE facebook group or email it to Bonnie Teeples and we will post it. We hope to get as many pictures of groups or individuals as we can.

Please play along with us!!

Sliferette - Kansas FCE
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 Sliferette FCE received its Charter in 1944. First meeting  was in  one room school house( Slifer School) in western Crawford County Kansas . Over the years the units has done projects like Bibs for Newborns, Coupons for Military families, Walk Kansas, Turban for Cancer patients and many more. The last 20 years they have done window displays at local extension office, around the town square, county fair, state and national conferences and libraries around the county. These displays have focused on the yearly lesson program they have received. The last three years the display was on a food or health related projects.  At the end of the year the display board is given to the local nutrition agent in their district  for continued use in her education programs. This picture is current members holding “Why We FCE”  at our Christmas Luncheon. 


We challenge each group, club, unit to ask your members “Why WE FCE”, write answers on sheet of paper, take a picture of individuals or as a group and post it to the National FCE facebook group or email it to Bonnie Teeples and we will post it. We hope to get as many pictures of groups or individuals as we can.

Please play along with us!!

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